Applications must be submitted no later than 12.00 noon AWST on Monday, 7 April 2024. Late applications will not be accepted without extreme extenuating circumstances (such as declared disasters).
- Unless specifically stated, all questions are compulsory.
- Please access and use the templates provided in each section - these have also been updated from the previous grant round, and some are compulsory.
- Complete each section as fully as possible and allow yourself time to review the application before the due date.
For your convenience, a Microsoft Word version of this application is available to download at the link below. This document may be used to prepare your answers which can then be pasted into the form. Please that formatting such as dot points will paste into the online form as Plain Text, so may not appear as expected.
Download: 2025 Community Stewardship Grants - Application preview
Applications must include:
- the final costed workplan on the template provided with sufficient information to enable assessment of value for money and relevance to the project, including details of all costs, co-contributions and outputs
- letters of support or commitment from each contributing organisation (cash or other resources or effort) which confirms the detail of what is being contributed, and the value of that co-contribution
- landholder permissions to access land where the project involves works (noting that signed Landholder Agreements will be required as a milestone deliverable for any successful project)
- detailed maps of on-ground activities which show the works planned and the landscape scale context, if relevant
- indicative quotes for any services provided by a third party, such as contractors, consultants, speakers*
- indicative quotes for grant funded assets*
- plans, diagrams, or other evidence of the strategic intent of the project
- copies of any documents that you have referenced in the body of the application
- additional written information or imagery which can provide further context or detail to support the application.
*If not provided with the application, successful applicants may be required to provide these during the contracting process prior to funds being released.
Please ensure attachments are labelled meaningfully so it is clear what the file contains.
For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please contact the State NRM Office on (08) 6551 4428 during business hours or email